‘Six of Crows’ should always have been its own show

Editor’s Note: The following contains full Shadow and Bone Season 2 spoilers.The last moments of shadow and bone Season 2 indicated that the Netflix series planned to continue the show after Leigh BardugoIt is Six of Ravens script. Most of the show centers around Alina’s journey to destroy the Fold, with Crow action snippets alongside. Some scenes are taken directly from the duology, but since the majority of the plot is omitted, the impact is muted. While it’s interesting to see the characters from both series interact, especially since they were originally written in different timelines, the Crows don’t get enough screen time for us to fell in love with them. From delayed character development to rushed romances, being sidelined has been to the Crows’ detriment, and they deserve more than their own show.


Ravens have consistently had out-of-character moments


The show tried to emulate the book’s characters and their idiosyncrasies, but due to the new scenarios designed for the Crows, some decisions and lines were completely out of place. Kaz Brekker (Freddy Carter) is known for his ruthless nature and sharp wit throughout Ketterdam, though in the novel and in the series his sordid past slowly comes to light. The Netflix series decided to humanize it, eliminating some of the book’s wildest scenes, such as that of Inef Ghafa (Amita Souman) attacker. Instead, he trusts her to inflict revenge on her attacker herself.

Choosing to humanize or change a character isn’t the issue here; the problem is deviating from the character’s core values, and in Kaz’s case, he doesn’t agree to anything unless it advances his own agenda. However, when Nina Zenik (Danielle Galligan) seeks them out, Kaz immediately helps him enter Hellgate prison in exchange for his Heartrender abilities. What’s irrelevant are his promises to help him out Matthias Helvar (Calahan Skogman). In the novel, Kaz has known Nina for over a year and despite her constant begging, only decides to plan Matthias’ escape once he needs him. Once he decides on something that directly benefits him, he wastes no time in accomplishing it. He certainly doesn’t make outlandish promises about the future.

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Amita Suman as Inej Ghafa in Shadow and Bone
Picture via Netflix

Similarly, during the Crows’ mission to Shu Han, Inej dreams of an intimate moment with Kaz after receiving a dose of hallucinogen. On the other hand, Kaz is drowned by his brother, Jesper Fahey (Young Kit) spends time with her deceased mother and Tolya endures the pain of losing her sister. Each addicted member sees scenarios that involve meaningful and life-defining relationships. Although Kaz defined Inej’s new life as the Wraith, there are so many more plausible suitors for his delusions like his long-lost family or his traumatic experience at the Menagerie. Her decision to leave Kaz and search for her family in the final scenes illustrates how important they are to her.

As a series with so many powerful female characters, we assumed it would eschew the tradition of women preoccupied with their love lives, so its take on it is a complete shock. Try to compress the Six of Ravens side story shadow and bone forced the writers to create new subplots that diverge from the books, but that doesn’t give way to a divergence from character consistency. Having their own show decreases the margin of error for those glaring digressions and allows for more cohesive character development to justify moments like these.

Pekka Rollins is supposed to play a major role

Freddy Carter as Kaz Brekker in Season 2 of Shadow and Bone.
Picture via Netflix

In the first half of the second season, shadow and bone features the downfall of Pekka Rollins (Dean Lennox Kelly) in an intense series of events that unfolds over two episodes. Throughout the Six of Ravens novel, Pekka remained an ever-present and menacing entity whose power invaded every corner of Ketterdam and dictated Kaz’s every decision. He is the final boss that Kaz could only dream of defeating, “brick by brick”.

But due to the Crows’ limited screen time, Pekka’s presence was severely underestimated, resulting in an anti-climactic demise. Although the final scenes of Hellgate hint at Pekka’s future involvement, Kaz’s iconic revenge just doesn’t have the same impact as on their own show. In fact, his bluff was borrowed from the very first pages of the novel where Kaz confronts another gang leader and threatens to burn down his lover’s mansion. Kaz’s quintessential rivalry with Pekka should be at the forefront of their own show, giving her the legendary status she deserves.

Six of Crows’ romances are heavily underdeveloped

Danielle Galligan as Nina in Season 2 of Shadow and Bone.
Picture via Netflix

All Bardugo fans know the tension of Kaz and Inej’s “will they or won’t they” romance, something the series has sorely missed. Once again, the crime of restricted screen time diminished the palpable excitement of watching their sweet moments among their action-packed moments. Admittedly, it was a relief to see the show include the bittersweet line: “I’ll get you without your armor, Kaz Brekker, or I won’t get you at all,” but like Pekka’s downfall, it didn’t. didn’t pack the punch. done in the novel. This effect carried over into the other Crow romances as well as those of Jesper and Wylan (Jack Wolf) a frivolous courtship to Nina’s sudden obsession with pursuing Matthias.

To make Jesper and Wylan’s pairing plausible, the show revealed that they once spent a night together, robbing us of the awkward but heartwarming interactions they had in the books. While Nina’s characterization was adapted into something more romantic, insisting that she was already in love with Matthias. The books portrayed a more balanced version of Nina, who felt responsible and guilty for causing Matthias’ arrest, a guilt that festered for a year before she was able to free him. Either way, a Six of Ravens show would reduce the need for rushed relationships, not only allowing for extreme emotions that make sense, but also for falling in love with them.

It’s hard to put down roots for the underdog in Shadow and Bone

Calahan Skogman as Matthias Helvar in Shadow & Bone Season 2
Picture via Netflix

Rooting for the underdog has always been a popular trope that has proven successful time and time again. All the attraction of Six of Ravens is rooted in this trope with Kaz’s rise from a naive boy to a feared gang leader, his rivalry with Pekka, and the Crows’ fight against the superpowered Grisha who are addicted to jurda parem. The odds are still stacked against them, but they always find a way to survive and win. But since the series decided to keep Alina’s (Jessie Mei Lee) powers and involving it in the crisis of the jurda parem, there is a markedly weakened notion of entrenchment for the oppressed. THE Six of Ravens has such vast potential for a successful and engaging series, but shadow and bone steal their thunder. As ordinary humans ourselves, it would be almost inspiring to watch a group of poor outcasts carry out elaborate heists and defeat the magical Grisha with only their wits and manpower. At a time when the “eat the rich” theme prevails on screen as in You, Glass OnionAnd The menuthere is no doubt that Six of Ravens would succeed on its own.


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