“Life after confinement”: Michael Persaud warns Justine against child discipline

Life after lockdown marry, Justine Persaudand husband, Michael Persaudstill have a lot to learn from each other, especially when it comes to their different parenting styles.

She discovers that even though he seems to be patient so far, over time he plans to discipline the children as he sees fit. One thing he tells his partner is that he will not tolerate disrespect.

Life after confinement: Michael Persaud tells Justine Persaud that things will change

One of the biggest adjustments Life after lockdown The couple that Michael Persaud and his wife Justine Persaud have are adjusting to their new living conditions.

It’s a challenge for them as a couple and blended family. She sat down with him recently and had a serious heart to heart. Justine shared all her past fears and mistakes. She says she told him this because she carries severe mom guilt.

Life after confinement: Justine Persaud - Michael Persaud
Life after confinement: Justine Persaud – Michael Persaud – Image credit: WEtv

He tried to comfort Justine. He said he understood everything she went through in her past relationships. But the past is over and they have their future ahead of them.

Justine feels like she rushed things too much with her kids. They got married on a whim. After his release, he moved in directly with her and her children. A month later, they are expecting their first baby together.

That’s a lot of change and a lot for the kids to accept in a short time. THE Life after lockdown Mom’s eldest son, Santanah. He’s not ready to take Michael as his father or the man of the house. He is also upset that he was forced to share his mother’s attention. So it looks like he is acting.

WEtv mom goes batting for her kids

Justine’s son is rude and disrespectful to Michael. So far, Michael Persaud has been patient, but he told his wife that with time things will change. THE Life after lockdown The star told him that he would not accept children being disrespected. He adds that they will feel his wrath if they are.

Life after lockdown: Santanah
Life after lockdown: Santanah – Image credit: WEtv

His lyrics are about Justine. So she comes back to bat to explain that it will take more time with Santanah. Michael agrees, for now.

But she fears that a huge explosion will eventually occur between her son and her husband. It’s something she’s not ready to handle. So she wants to figure out how to prevent it before it happens.

Justine Persaud from Life after lockdown knows it’s only a matter of time before they clash. However, she does not want to choose between them.

Some fans find Justine’s concern about her parenthood strange. Especially considering she had a huge blowout with her mom a few weeks prior over the same issue.

Life after confinement: Michael informs his family that he is in charge

WEtv’s Michael and Justine discuss taking a step. They feel that moving to a new state and bigger city will give them a fresh start as a family and help the Life after lockdown the rapper’s musical career.

They haven’t decided yet, but they’re leaning towards Las Vegas. But they want their contribution to help put Justine’s children more at ease.

Even though the parents ask for the thoughts and opinions of the kids, Michael makes one thing clear. While their voices will be taken into account, in the end, the final decision will ultimately be theirs.

Since he is the head of the family and the sole breadwinner. His decision will be final. Justine Persaud is unhappy with the circumstances.

But she knows she’s stuck given her current state, pregnant and unemployed. THE Life after lockdown The star is now reconsidering her decision to rush with Michael Persaud. But, no matter what she thinks about things, what’s done is done.

Check out Soap Dirt for the latest love after confinement news.


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