’90 Day Fiance’ Danielle Gates shocked by Yohan Geronimo’s abortion story

90 day fiance

’90 Day Fiance’ Daniele Gates shocked by Yohan Geronimo’s abortion story

90 day fiance star, Danielle Gateswas stunned when she learned that her husband, Yohan Geronimohad impregnated women who terminated their pregnancies.

90 day fiance

Sunday’s episode of 90 Day Fiance: The Other Way highlighted Daniele Gates And Yohan Geronimo connect with at Daniele’s boyfriend, Sophia, who had questions for Yohan regarding his motives in marriage. Sophiawho suspected that Yohan could use his friend for a ticket to the United States, weighed in on his desire to have children with his wife of more than 40 years marry.

90 day fiance

Sophia pointed out that at Daniele’s age could be the reason for the couple’s struggle to conceive. Danielle And Yohan had been trying to get pregnant for a year at the time of the video chat. The couple had even visited a fertility specialist who told them Danielle that she only had a five percent chance of getting pregnant.

“I wouldn’t feel well, but my instinct tells me yes, it’s possible” Yohan admitted, when asked how he would feel if the couple could not conceive a child.

90 day fiance

Danielle shared that she regularly felt crushed whenever she thought she was pregnant.

Yohan answered “no” when Sophia asked if he fathered any children, but clarified that his previous partners aborted their babies. The revelation shocked Daniele, because she claimed that Yohan told her that her exes had miscarried. She apparently had no idea that the pregnancies had been terminated and that her husband had not revealed the whole truth.

“I’m not upset about the abortion, I’m upset that Yohan hasn’t been honest with me, and my full trust in this relationship is about my faith in him and his honesty and if I lose that then what do we have? she explained.

90 day fiance

Danielle confronted Yohan on the issue the next day, but the interaction did not go well.

“I have been with many women and one of them got pregnant,” he explained in a confessional, insisting that the detail of the abortion was insignificant. “But the past doesn’t have to be in your current relationship, so whether she had an abortion or not, it has nothing to do with it.”

90 day fiance

Yohan insisted he had been honest and said Danielle “everything”, but she begged to disagree.

“I can’t trust you when you’re not telling the truth,” she said. “My problem is not with your past, my problem is that you are a liar.”

The New York native later became emotional as she shared that former boyfriends lied to her.

“For me, once trust is broken, it’s broken forever,” she said.

The duo continued to argue, with Yohan stating that he believed pregnancy loss and abortion could mean the same thing.

“I feel like I’m dealing with a child” Danielle told the cameras. “When he gets to a place where he’s on the defensive, it’s like the conversation is going nowhere.”

Yohan commented – “If you don’t trust me, that’s your problem.”

Danielle called Yohan for his lack of sympathy in a later confessional, adding – “It makes me really nervous that this is the kind of support I’m going to get from my long-term husband.”

“I really wanted a kid and I really wanted him with him because of who I thought he was,” Danielle said in tears. “And if that’s not really who he is, then why am I fighting?”

90 Day Fiance: The Other Way airs Sundays at 8 p.m. ET on TLC.

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