Texas man previously exonerated for fatal stabbing is re-arrested for fatal shooting

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Houston PD

A Houston man who was found innocent of a fatal stabbing and released from jail has been arrested again for a fatal shooting.

Lydell Grant, 46, served seven years in prison for a crime he did not commit.

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His family and friends celebrated with him outside a courthouse in 2021. Grant was promised a million dollar salary for his time unjustly spent behind bars.

But Grant was arrested on Friday April 7 and charged with murder in the killing of another motorist, police said.

Grant is charged with killing 33-year-old Edwin Arevalo in a road rage incident following a minor traffic accident on Thursday night. Houston police said Grant got out of his vehicle and shot Arevalo before fleeing.

Grant was imprisoned Friday night, and his bail was set at $1 million. He remained in jail on Monday.

In 2012, Grant was convicted of stabbing 28-year-old Aaron Scheerhoorn outside a Houston bar in 2010. Evidence against him included six eyewitnesses who testified against Grant during his murder trial.

But a Texas appeals court overturned his conviction in May 2021 after reanalysis of DNA found under the victim’s fingernails identified Grant as the killer. He was released on bail in 2019 pending the decision of the appeals court.

The new DNA analysis was paid for by The Innocence Project, which had no comment on Grant’s arrest on Friday.

Another man has since been convicted of the fatal stabbing and is serving a prison sentence.


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