Yellowjackets Season 2 Power Ranking: Who is Queen Antler?

Things are heating up in yellow jackets season 2 (or, at least, as much as they can in the middle of a freezing winter in the 1990s timeline that leaves the team starving and freezing). The new season on Showtime has it all: woo-woo cults, mysterious deaths, hard-nosed cops hanging out with teenage girls and, of course, cannibalism.

Under conditions like these, it’s easy for a hierarchy to form, especially one that yields the long-awaited revelation of Queen Antler. yellow jackets has been promising since the pilot opened. With the mysteries building up over the first two episodes of Season 2, we’ll be scouring the power rankings each week, exploring who’s ready to lead and who’s ready to feed the cannibal cult.

Of course, the criteria for this are a bit loose; kinda yellow jackets‘ first foray into icy cannibalism, we play it by ear. Suffice it to say, those who show the courage to take on the role of Antler Queen (and if they’ve come closer, in every episode, to her and that title) will rise through the ranks. And since Queen Antler seems to oversee the glimpse of cannibalism we get in the pilot, getting to the plate also usually means leading the charge to eat people.

Who’s on the rise in the cannibal cult of the Yellowjackets?

Lottie (Courtney Eaton), Shauna (Sophie Nélisse) and Tai (Jasmin Savoy Brown) stand and stare sadly at something in a photo from Season 2 of The Yellowjackets

Photo: Kailey Schwerman/Showtime

Shauna— Shauna took a huge step up the rankings this week by leading the cannibalistic charge and convincing the rest of the team that it would be such a shame to spoil such a perfectly grilled barbecue. Jackie. Although Shauna never had a leadership vibe before this exact moment, this could easily be her first step towards Antler Queendom.

Lottie— Lottie’s question persists: is she Queen Antler, or rather a high priestess in the hierarchy of the Yellowjackets? There’s not much to suggest that her modern cult is cannibalistic, but she clearly has something happens in how she can compartmentalize parts of her personality as a leader (and the trippy view she has of zombie Laura). She doesn’t do tonne in episode 2, but she East already appearing to Travis in visions as a glowing religious icon. So it feels like it’s potentially a jump, jump, and jump to get your friends to ceremoniously eat the corpses of your other friends.

Taissa — We know from current events that Tai commands and has clearly some kind of screwed up remnants of his time in the woods. But aside from ordering the group to finally put Jackie to rest, she doesn’t do much in episode 2 (or, at least, not a ton besides greedily devouring their teammate’s flesh, which almost everyone does, SO). She has some kind of weird vision of a weirdo in a suit, but it all happens while she sleeps; since Lottie seems to have the spiritual leader thing locked away, it seems unlikely (this week) that Taissa will make a play for the crown of horns.

Crystal – Crystal moves up the rankings slightly because she’s clearly important, but that’s exactly the point: she’s a new character for Season 2. is not presented in the first season? Do we think the showrunners just forgot about her? Who do you think is running this ship, Benioff and Weiss? Either way, Crystal definitely has a role to play, and one that’s clearly tied to Misty, but it’s definitely not her story…or her cult.

Travis— Travis never really seemed into the supernatural woodsy of the accident – perhaps because he was mostly distracted by Natalie – but he’s taken a few steps so far in Season 2 thanks in large part to the hooking of his hope of Javi’s survival on Lottie’s vaguely psychic visions. So he gets a very slight increase in ranking; however, he’s still a dude, which means his chances of gaining too much power in this particular teenage cult are slim.

Who falls into the Yellowjackets food chain?

Coach Ben (Steven Krueger) standing tall and looking cold leaning against a post in a photo from Season 2 of the Yellowjackets

Photo: Kailey Schwerman/Showtime

Van — Van is a terrific kid, and would be a pretty formidable enforcer or right-hand man for any budding bovid cult leader. So far, however, she doesn’t seem like much of a leader herself, so she drops this week. On the other hand, she’s deep in the cult’s lore, which we know because she’s one of three girls who show up and kneel before the Heart Altar at the end of Season 1. .

Natalie — Natalie is one of the few Yellowjackets who isn’t really changing much this week, mostly because she’s gone so long without caring about the rest of the general team shenanigans. That being said, she takes a small step towards cult leader status by embracing cannibalism, but she takes a slightly bigger step back by doubting Lottie and trying to give up on the search for Javi.

Foggy – Misty has lost even the most modest tea-making privileges, so things aren’t looking up for her to lead any kind of cult so far in season two. Now, that’s no huge surprise, given that teenage Misty isn’t a leader at all, but it’s still as low as her leadership stock has fallen so far.

Gen — Still mostly anonymous, Gen’s chances of becoming Anter Queen are not good. We’re definitely not calling it anything just yet, but it doesn’t seem entirely unfair to call him one of the many redshirt Yellowjackets who seem destined to be sacrificed to the cruel cannibal god of the forest (or worse).

Coach Ben— The only one who walks away from Jackie’s feast and seems troubled by what he sees. His stomach may be morally clean, but he doesn’t climb the charts without a little more nutrition.

Husband – Red t-shirt. Sorry, Mari.

Jacky— Jackie gets an honorable mention just for showing up, but her chances aren’t great considering both her death (and for months) and the fact that she was the main course at the Yellowjackets’ first-ever Forest Banquet. . However, since she is still there, at least physically, she gets a spot on the list.

Akila — This girl was recast for season 2. It sure is redshirt shit.


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