Luis argues with Teresa, threatens to hit Joe

RHONJ Recap: Louie tells Joe he wears Nonno's pajamas to love his nieces, and Teresa shares that Louie lost a $250,000 million investment in Joe's pizza oven business.  Also, Danielle can't stand the heat and leaves the party.

We’re back on shore with the The Real Housewives of New Jersey for more family dysfunction. Let’s try to get to the bottom of “Pizza Gate”, shall we?

Jackie at Casa Gorga think Bill and Jennifer cannot be together unless they are wasted. She’s also not buying that Danielle and her brother don’t talk/talk about being blocked on Instagram. lemon balm is annoyed that Tre doesn’t think his mother deserved to be at the wedding. Dolores don’t understand why anyone would play with moms who should be banned. In his ITM, Joe talks about how happy he was for his sister at first. He thinks Louie plays the nice guy and evolves into ad*ck. Side note: I wouldn’t care if my mom wasn’t invited to that clown show at a wedding. Why subject your poor mother to seeing things she can’t ignore?

Rachel and John worry that there are problems at Fuda’s brunch. She had to watch the previous seasons. Jen F. feels like she was hit by a mack truck being with this crew. Rachel thinks Danielle is the link in the chain between the two sides. She’s probably rethinking her alliance with the other novice.

Return home Aydin with ThereseLouie, Danielle, and Nate, Jen is frying Turkish sausage, which looks like a fried Louie patty. Danielle mentions that the other ladies are talking about the authenticity of the story with her brother. Teresa thinks Rachel created this mess and considers her a crap starter. Danielle is now convinced that Marge really has an arsenal of ammunition to attack them. She is the only one “conversing” and no one else admits to spreading gossip.

Tre shares that she kept it pugnacious closed mouth on what caused the problems. Joe wanted to start a pizza oven business with her, and Louie contributed $250,000. Joe wants a 50% stake since the pizza oven was his idea. Louie would have lost the money he invested, and it baffles me if all you did was create pizza boxes and the money disappeared? Side note: I think Louie liked the idea for himself but wanted Joe out of the business.

Joe thinks since it was Teresa and her idea that she jumped ship to appease Louie and his greedy ambition. Teresa took photos with her daughters for the Skinny Pizza boxes. She needs to check with Bethenny because she has the deal on anything called Skinny. Melissa concludes that Teresa doesn’t want to share the opportunity. Daisy decided that Teresa is putting up barriers that cannot be overcome. Melissa, in her ITM, thinks little Joey is on an island all by himself.

Rachel hosts a mermaid-themed brunch – complete with bone marrow injections. LOL, I agree that the mermaid is drunk! She had to self-medicate to be around this group of greasy hooligans. Dolores and Jackie talk about Jennifer’s fragility and how upset she is with Bill’s criticism of her parenthood. John asks Joe about Louie’s Instagram video about forgiveness, which he filmed with the Casa Aydin crew. Joe wants to film his own version of this video – about John Fuda waxing.

Danielle and her non-existent brain will explode. She pulls Marge aside so they can discuss the armory comment. Danielle conveys that Rachel is trying to drive a wedge. Margaret thinks it’s bullshit that Tre and Jen get involved with his ex-friend Laura and find her as a credible source. I love that Marge said conversing isn’t a word for Danielle aka Tre 2.0. Danielle apologizes if the repetition of this comment upset Marge. She no longer feels like she and Rachel are on the same team.

Dolores shares with Melissa that she’s not going to stop living her life since Frank is throwing a pity party. She also lets Missy G. know what Tre said about not inviting her family to the wedding. Teresa and Louie talk with Jen F. about the family drama. They defend their actions and act like everyone wants to get them.

Jackie pushes Danielle to share the rest of the brother’s story. Danielle will not accept any responsibility for her family problems. She’s clearly not as tough as she claims and leaves the party with her tail between her legs. Margaret in her ITM would like to reach out to her brother and sister-in-law to add to her arsenal.

Teresa claims she is the easiest person treat. She’s absolutely right, but ONLY about how Louie handles her. Tre is malleable like a piece of Play-Doh and can be convinced of anything. She tells Jackie to shut up for standing up for Melissa who has issues with her father. Tre thinks Melissa has a leash on Joe. She might be right, but Louie saddled her with a horse bit in her mouth.

Louie pulls Melissa aside to chat. He wants to hold Melissa’s hand and I would have been pushed aside if I was her. Melissa assures him that Tre is totally obsessed with him, and you can see he enjoys power over her. Teresa joins the conversation and Louie waves her away like she’s a waitress at the table. Louie then tells Tre that she is wasting her time with Melissa.

Joe is invited to join the conversation. Louie invites Melissa’s mother to the wedding. Oh my God, we’re going to have to hear the story of the Nonno pajamas again, which Teresa had to clarify publicly. Side note: The look of shock on Joe’s face when Louie told him he was wearing his dad’s pajamas was priceless. I think Nonno would even be uncomfortable just like we know that creepy lech wears his jammies so he can be magnet with her granddaughters.

Teresa thinks Melissa’s attachment to Joe is related to her issues with her father. She thinks she wants to keep Joe by her side and alienate Teresa. Jackie fires up in defense of Melissa, and Teresa rushes to the table and tells her to get out of her face after SHE approaches Jackie.

Teresa claims that if Joe had called her and begged had asked him to invite Donna to the wedding, she would have accepted. Joe can’t get over Melissa’s bridesmaid diss, and he asked Louie and Gia to intercede. Tre expected blind loyalty from Melissa and expected her to have Tre and Louie’s back last season and should have told Marge to shut up. Melissa can’t give him blind loyalty when Tre co-signs when Jennifer called Joey ab*tch boy.

Teresa then tells Joe that he must be unhappy in his marriage. She thinks because Louie told him to that Melissa is the problem and that she should bridge the gap between the two simians siblings. Shit, do they think Melissa is a zookeeper? What this family needs is a snake charmer who has the power to disarm a poisonous snake like Louie. Joe and Melissa decide to leave after this conversation goes nowhere. Louie stops Tre and tells her that she and her brother aren’t just listening. blather talk. He just can’t keep listening to this drivel anymore – neither can we.

Louie just wants to marry the Jersey Troll doll in 28 to 31 days – more or less. Teresa is done talking about Joe coming to her wedding. She wants him to be there if he wants to participate in their future as a family. Louie has finally accomplished what he came to do: destroy any hope of reconciliation between these two. Side note: This episode shows from afar the conniving side of Louie and the spirit or what’s left control he has over Teresa. The production was clearly targeting him, and Teresa was wrong to believe that this would be her season of redemption…

Next week, the breakup of the family unit and Louie’s mind control continues… After watching this episode, I’m drunk as a mermaid! Have a wonderful Wednesday and join me for my Friday night podcast! Please also email the site [email protected] with your contact details if you are interested in co-hosting with me!



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