Kourtney Kardashian Responds to Critics of Her ‘Disgusting’ Bathroom: I Don’t Eat Out of the Toilet!

Kourtney Kardashian is widely considered the most outspoken member of her famous family.

She’s not as attention-seeking as some of her sisters, but she doesn’t hide many secrets from her fans either.

In the past, this tendency to live out loud has created issues for Kourtney, as some fans feel like they’ve been asked to comment on everything she does.

In fact, just about every time she posts a photo, fans dissect for signs that she’s split from Travis Barker.

Example: Kourtney posted a series of photos taken in her bathroom this week.

We don’t know why she chose such an unusual theme for her latest album, but we guess that’s exactly the kind of thing people do when they have a ridiculously long time.

Anyway, one photo in particular got a lot of attention, but not for the reasons Kourtney had hoped.

Kourtney Kardashian apparently likes to eat in the bathroom. And some of her fans really, really wish she didn’t. (Photo via Instagram)

As you can see, Kourt seems to enjoy snacking while bathing, but some fans think the 43-year-old’s habit is unhygienic.

« Food on the toilet [shocked face] this is nasty,” one fan wrote, according to British tabloid The Sun.

“How can you eat from a plate that is left on the toilet? another asked.

Kourtney’s bathroom photo series has drawn a lot of criticism. (Photo via Instagram)

” I do not understand this. Are you trying to be unique or shock value? A pile of food all over an old bathroom with an 80s tub and a plate of food on the toilet,” a third interjected.

“Do you want to let us know you’re gross and classy at the same time?” It’s going to be a new trashclass TM trend.

“Am I the only person who thinks the food on the bathroom floor is disgusting?” yet another asked, adding nauseated and vomiting emojis in case anyone didn’t realize the question was rhetorical.

Kourtney Kardashian has a new line of wellness products. (Photo via Instagram)

Others realized the photo was staged, but couldn’t help but point out that they were disgusted at the very thought of eating all that food in a bathroom.

“So someone literally put food on a bathroom floor and climbed up to take this photo of this mess,” one commenter wrote.

“That bathroom scene is what nightmares are made of,” another added.

Fans have expressed concern that Travis Barker is influencing Kourtney’s style. But that doesn’t seem to be the case! (Photo via Instagram)

Kourtney didn’t answer any of the questions posed in her comments, but she did express her feelings about the backlash:

“The comments on this photo,” she commented, along with a bunch of spiral-eyed emojis, apparently indicating that the people who complained are crazy.

Obviously, Kourtney isn’t bothered, which is a good thing.

A new season of The Kardashians is on the way. (Photo via Hulu)

Kourtney probably won’t comment on her bathroom snacking habits anymore.

But hey, Hulu just released the first trailer for The Kardashians Season 3, so fans who need to know every little detail of Kourt’s life still have something to look forward to!


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