The hottest newcomers to soaps: Victoria Grace

What do you take away from the audition process? “It was unique, because I sent a self-tape for the character. I didn’t hear anything for a few months. Then I got a call that I booked. I never met the casting director, the writers, the producers, the directors…nobody. I never had an encore or a chemistry reading.

How did you celebrate getting the role? “My sister, Cassie, was in the room with me when my agent first called to tell me I had booked. She could hear the whole conversation, so she was screaming and clapping in the background. We We were both so excited. Immediately afterwards, we went out for a drink to celebrate.

Have you decorated your dressing room? “My sister bought me a retro blue mini fridge for Christmas. I put it in my bedroom. It’s my main accessory. I have all my drinks and snacks in there. Other than that, I keep a blanket and a pillow here. You have all kinds of down time, so I appreciate my naps.

Who’s the first actor on the show you hung out with outside of work? “The person I first went to lunch with was Remington Hoffman. [Li].”

What do you like most about your character? “She’s definitely a badass. Coming from a family of strong women, I love being able to represent that in the media. These characters are always the most fun to play.

How was it the first time you saw yourself on the show? “I remember feeling so proud. As an actor growing up, I had a hard time watching myself on screen, which I think is pretty common for a lot of actors. I actually shielded my eyes every time my scenes happened. In this case, I was sitting there with my mother. Just knowing it was my first regular role on the show, I remember feeling immensely proud, and I think my mom felt the same way.

How has getting this job changed your life? “Like I said, this is my first regular role on the show, which is incredibly exciting. For me, that’s always been the goal. So I feel like I’ve realized a unique opportunity in a life. Also, as an Asian woman on TV, I read last year’s Hollywood Diversity Report, and out of all the leading women on TV, less than four percent were Asian. That really touched down near me, knowing that I can contribute and take a step towards greater representation.


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