Throughout the second season of “Picard,” Dr. Jurati (Alison Pill) battled this universe’s evil Borg queen (the late Annie Wersching), and the Borg queen eventually assimilated Jurati’s spirit. It was, thanks to a time warp, it all took place in the year 2024. When the series returned to the future, it was revealed that Dr. Jurati had been a Borg queen for centuries and only assimilated the Stargazer because she needed a fleet. of spaceships to stop a massive and destructive space phenomenon which, before this moment, had never been mentioned. The Jurati Borg explained that unity, diplomacy, and collaboration were the Borg’s new philosophy. “Picard” implied that the Borg – the entire species – had turned over a new leaf and would no longer be villains.
Thanks to the new season of “Picard,” however, it seems Jurati’s “kinder kinder Borg” was a one-time fluke and the Borg remained intact as a soulless species of conquering cyborgs. Thank God.
In the latest episode of “Picard,” titled “No Win Scenario,” Captain Shaw (Todd Stashwick) unloads into the holodeck before he and his crew are presumably destroyed in a destructive nebula. Because he’s a massive jerk (but, you know, respectable), Shaw points out to Picard that the latter was once assimilated, and that he was at least indirectly responsible for the 11,000 deaths at the Battle of Wolf-359 (Shaw barely escaped with his own life, and has the emotional scars to prove it). Although Shaw’s first officer was Borg (Jeri Ryan’s Seven of Nine), he doesn’t have a rosy view of them. “The Borg are still there,” he says, implying that the Jurati Borg were just a fluke.
Above all, Shaw says “Forget that Stargazer s***”, directly contradicting the Season 2 finale.
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