Tim Pool threatens to sue Bandcamp for unchecked censorship

Another day, another Big Tech platform deleting art.

Bandcamp, a major source for music lovers, has removed songs from podcast giant Tim Pool and veteran singer Brad Skistimas, better known as Five Times August.

Pool, host of the popular Timcast IRL, is considering a crowdfunded lawsuit as a result.

“We’re in a different kind of political and cultural landscape,” Pool said on a recent Timcast IRL broadcast regarding the current wave of censorship. “We are exploring crowdfunding and a potential class action lawsuit [lawsuit].”

Pool expanded on this plan, noting that customers who purchased his music through Bandcamp can no longer access the tracks.

“I’m speaking with a prominent attorney on censorship issues,” Pool said, noting how rapper Bryson Gray had previously been kicked out of Bandcamp. “The combined fanbases that have purchased music through this platform are going to number in the tens of thousands. It’s going to be a huge lawsuit.

Pool’s foray into music was an instant hit. Songs like “Only Ever Wanted” and “Will of the People” rocketed up the charts, buoyed by the artist’s massive following.

Five Times August has been on the scene for much longer, and its most recent work, “Silent War,” offers searing social commentary on the media, the overreach of the pandemic and more.

Bandcamp removed the work of the aforementioned artists without warning or explanation. Attempts to find out why the songs suddenly disappeared have remained fruitless to this day.

This censorship has proven to be similar to other Big Tech platforms. Both Kickstarter and Crowdfundr ran comic book author Mike Baron’s campaigns without specifically explaining why his titles went against company policies.

Twitter, under the old regime, regularly blacks out banned voices without explanation.

The comedians are also feeling the wrath of Big Tech for telling jokes that don’t fit the progressive worldview. Tyler Fischer’s Dr. Fauci tracks were nicked by TikTok censors, for example, without explanation.

The “explanations” are simple, even if they are rarely stated.

Big Tech and its progressive leaders want to promote compliance and silence debate. Stars who stir the pot and question authority increasingly find their voices silenced.

Censorship is akin to repressive regimes like China, which punish independent thought without clarification. This leaves the canceled voice unsure of what she said was wrong and more likely to censor herself in the future.


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